There are 3 IMRS applicators that are designed for different purposes and treatment: Whole Body Applicator Mat, Local Applicator Pad and Probe Applicator. Full body applicator mat uses sawtooth waveform whereas local applicator pad and probe use square waveform, which are designed for localized treatment and pain relief.

  Whole Body Applicator Mat

imrs applicator mat

The IMRS applicators whole body mat uses 3 pairs of coils to deliver the electromagnetic pulsations to the entire body simultaneously. It automatically incorporates variances in the circadian rhythms of the human body with 4 different programs depending on the time of day the iMRS is used. The whole body mat applicator is used to enhance circulatory effects and oxygen delivery, for improving energy, stamina and sleep, and for overall wellness. The whole body mat generates a sawtooth electromagnetic waveform.

Local Applicator Pad

imrs applicator pad

The IMRS applicators pad uses 1 pair of coils with an equal number of copper windings in each coil to generate two symmetrical electromagnetic field contours. It is commonly used to release tension in headaches and in the neck, shoulders, and low back, to reduce muscle soreness after strenuous exercise or injury, and to support the lungs, pancreas, kidneys, liver, digestive tract and lower abdominal organs. The pad applicator can be used to assist in the relief of pain and discomfort in tendinitis, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, bursitis and myofascitis. Studies have shown this form of application accelerates bone repair following fracture or spinal fusion surgery.


 Probe Applicator

iMRS Probe

The IMRS applicators probe applicator is able to convert electrical impulses to the highest average peak intensity delivered by the iMRS up to 300 microTesla. The mat and pad applicators have an average output of 45 microTesla. The probe is useful in concentrating a more intense square wave to smaller areas of the body; for example, the joints of the hand and feet, the sinuses, and the TMJ (jaw joint).