There are several options available for the iMRSone Omnium1 system bundles, allowing you to invest in the configuration that best suits your needs. It does not matter which bundle you choose, the iMRSone software application comes with all of the standard Omnium1 applications and configurations. Omnium1 Basic Set is the foundation set for all PEMF bundle options. Add-on applicators (OmniSpot and OmniBrain) can be added to the basic set or any other bundle at any time. The Omnium1 Brainwave Combo is a non-PEMF configuration, suitable for those who only wish to own a brainwave entrainment system.

75110 Omnium1 iMRSone Basic Set
The iMRSone Basic Set includes two applicators: an OmniMat, which covers the entire body, and an OmniPad, which covers the localized area. Add-ons such as OmniSpot and OmniBrain can be added as needed.

- Omnium1 Kit (Control Tablet)
- OmniMat
- OmniPad
- D/A Converter
- iMRS one Android software
75120 Omnium1 iMRSone Complete Set
This bundle is iMRSone Basic Set + OmniSpot.

- Omnium1 Kit (Control Tablet)
- OmniMat
- OmniPad
- OmniSpot*
- D/A Converter
- iMRS one Android software
76110 Omnium1 iMRSone Combo
This bundle is iMRSone Basic Set + OmniBrain

- Omnium1 Kit (Control Tablet)
- OmniMat
- OmniPad
- OmniBrain*
- D/A Converter
- iMRS one android software
76120 Omnium1 iMRSone Complete Combo
This bundle is iMRSone Basic Set + OmniSpot + OmniBrain

- Omnium1 Kit (Control Tablet)
- OmniMat
- OmniPad
- OmniSpot*
- OmniBrain*
- D/A Converter
- iMRS one Android software
76130 Omnium1 BrainWave Combo
This configuration is purely designed as an audio-visual brainwave entrainment system (AVE). The configuration does not provide any PEMF treatment. It is possible to upgrade to a PEMF system in the future by purchasing a D/A converter and applicators.

- Omnium1 Kit (Control Tablet)
- OmniBrain-Hardware (Integrated Goggle & Ear Piece)
- OmniBrain Android software

Ala-carte Configuration
Not a fan of the bundles? You can create your own customized bundle. Here are two popular options that suit many users.
Omnium1 Full Body Mat (Core Technology)
Here is the most essential configuration for Omnium1, which includes a full-body mattress and a controller (with D/A converter). Mattresses that cover the entire body utilize the body’s own clock to provide maximum well-being benefits. This is not the standard Swiss Bionic Solutions bundle, but for those who want to get the bare minimum to enjoy the core technology of iMRS. You can add-on OmniPad, OmniSpot or OmniBrain as and when you need it. Contact us for more information.

- Omnium1 Kit (Control Tablet)
- OmniMat
- D/A Converter
- iMRS one Android software
Omnium1 Travel Set
OmniPad, which is one-sixth the size of the OmniMat (the full-body mat), consists of two large coils and can be folded in half for easy packing in your backpack while traveling. This configuration is not a standard bundle but represents the most budget-friendly option, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of iMRS technology on the go.

- Omnium1 Kit (Control Tablet)
- OmniPad
- D/A Converter
- iMRS one Android software