Prime vs iMRS models

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Both iMRS Prime and iMRS are built on the same technology and application principle. Meaning the frequency range, intensity of both the full-body mattress and pad/pillow are essentially the same. The key unique features available in iMRS PRIME compared to older iMRS systems are:

  • The controller now is split into a 10.2″ touch screen control panel and a hexagon shaped connector box, supporting up to 10 connections for applicators and accessories
  • New Exagon Pad, replacing Probe applicator
  • Introducing of Fast Start (one-button quick setting) program consisting of 7 quick start profiles.
  • The custom user profile option (P1, P2, P3) now offers almost unlimited profile, with group categorization.
  • Far Infrared Hybrid Full-body Mat for the Hybrid model
  • iSplit mode operation – running 2 concurrent sessions
  • Trial Mode – where you can customize the parameters
  • Exagon BRAIN (iSLRS equivalent) now support multi-color combination. No longer comes with earphone, support 3rd party ear/head phone. You can now upload and customize your own music files and playlist.
  • Exagon SENSE (iMORE equivalent) now support exporting of R-R HRV data to 3rd party software analysis (i.e. kubios software). It now also show real-time SPO2 information on screen.

Hardware Comparison

The illustration below shows the hardware differences between iMRS and Prime.

iMRS 2000 vs Prime


None of the components in iMRS (iMRS 2000) is compatible with the new Prime system, besides the iMORE / SENSE. Nevertheless using iMORE hardware on new Prime is not officially supported by the company.

iMRS vs Prime bundles (equivalent configuration)

iMRS (iMRS 2000)
iMRS Prime
Hardware: Full Body Mat + Pillow Pad
Software: 7 level intensity (up to 200) and 3 timers preset 8/16/24 minutes
Hardware: Full Body Mat + Pillow Pad
Software: Additional Fast Start Program. Full 8 level of intensity (up to 400) and session timer up to 60 minutes
Hardware: Full Body Mat + Pillow + Probe
Software: 8 level intensity (up to 400) and 3 timers preset 8/16/24 minutes
Hardware: Full Body Mat + Pad + Spot
Software: Basic + Program Mode
Hardware: Same as Complete
Software: 8 level intensity (up to 400), 1-60 minutes timer adjustable. iGuide
Hardware: Same as Advanced
Software: Advanced + iGuide + Split Mode

New Bundles in Prime

In both configurations, SET bundle added HRV finger sensor (iMORE or Sense) and Brainwave Entrainment System (iSLRS or Brain) respective.

In iMRS Prime, there are 2 additional models not available in iMRS

  • Hybrid – that comes with Hybrid Far Infrared Full-body Mat
  • Trial – In addition to Hybrid, add Trial Software tool.

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